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Interview with Sylvia Worsham: A Journey into Self-Awareness

Last month I had the honor to be interviewed by author and podcaster Sylvia Worsham for her "Release Doubt, Reveal Purpose" podcast (linked here), during which we provide perspectives on A Journey into Self-Awareness and Freedom from Co-Dependency.

What a pleasure it was to share our thoughts and struggles with fears, perfectionism, people pleasing, and learning to trust God's path for us, as well as our successes in becoming more self-aware through faith and recovery.

Check out the podcast to hear more from our discussion on the twists and turns life can take us on and how we can grow to know ourselves and God better through them; our journeys of healing through heeling; discovering the differences between knowing God, believing in Him and trusting Him; and finding peace as we learn to lean into our purpose.

Thank you Sylvia for all you do to help women experience transformation and discover their purpose!

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